Image above: Katie Sandison, ‘An angel in the sky’ (detail), watercolour and metallic leaf on plywood, 20 x 20 cm. Image courtesy the artist.
Connective Seeds
Katie Sandison
13 September 2024 – 5 February 2025
Connective Seeds-Finding the healing light in shifting Australian flora and fauna narratives.
My healing journey has been based on painting this truth of connectivity to Australian wildlife and flora.
As a small child, I jumped off the kitchen table and broke my collarbone. When asked why I jumped, I said, ‘I thought I could fly, and I was a bird. Many years later in my early 40’s, I received the diagnosis of Endometriosis and then underwent four surgeries in 6 years and a total Hysterectomy. To alleviate the pain, I painted in bed and this watercolour series emerged.’
‘I believe being in nature can calm the nervous system.’
— Katie Sandison, 2024
Passionate about raising awareness of Australia’s unique flora and wildlife species, South Australian watercolour painter Katie Sandison loves to create artworks that connect to the land through colourful splashes and illuminating compositions.
She attended North Adelaide School of Art, receiving a Diploma of Applied Arts from the University of South Australia, a Visual Arts Degree, and a Bachelor of Education in 1999. After teaching for DECS in secondary schools for over 22 years, at 48, she resigned and established her art business, Katie Sandison Fine Art, from the Mitcham Studio and children’s art school, Kids Art Adelaide.