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 THRF Group – Creative Health Gallery at Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre 

12 October 2023 – 29 January 2024

In early 2023, The Hospital Research Foundation Group – Creative Health asked staff and volunteers at Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre to contribute photographs of what a glimmer is to them. 

Glimmers are small moments that spark joy or peace. They help shift our focus to the good things in life and can cue our nervous system to feel safe or calm.  

Everyone experiences glimmers. They can be: 

▪ Hanging out with your pets 

▪ Noticing sunlight sparkling on water 

▪ The perfect cup of coffee 

▪ Finding a favourite flower in your garden 

▪ A stranger smiling at you in public 

▪ Anything that helps you feel safe and connected 

Robyn Bowditch-Walsh 

Here is my glimmer photo of the beach at Anglesea Victoria taken in May 2023 

I have chosen this photo as it is a beautiful sunset with glimmering light which occurred not long after my mother died. It is significant to me because Anglesea was a special place for family holidays when I was young and reminds me of mum. 

Robyn Bowditch-Walsh
Dietitian at Day Rehab Service and CAP, CALHN

Anglesea VIC

Kirsty Moore 

Here are some photos of my twin grandchildren. 

They are best friends and adore each other. 

The love and happiness shows in the photos. 

Kirsty Moore
Allied Health Assistant
Orthopaedic/Amputee/Burns Rehabilitation Unit, Ward 2CD 

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Jaipreet Kaur 

Things that fill my cup and bring a smile on mine and my family’s face.   

Connecting with nature along with my little ones, sitting at the beach listening to waves and just taking a walk in the hills is something we enjoy.    

Seeing the new faces and connecting with people who have similar interest is an additional benefit.   

Jaipreet Kaur 
Nurse Lead
Neuroscience and Rehabilitation – CALHN  
Chair – Australian College of Nursing | South Australia

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