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Image: Jason O’Malley, Homage, 2021, acrylic on wood, 100 x 100cm. Image courtesy the artist

Coastal Colours

Jason O’Malley
Modbury Hospital and SpARC

15 May – 22 November 2023

View the online catalogue 

An exhibition of acrylic mandala paintings inspired by the South Coast of SA, being a Veteran and recovering from PTSD.

I joined the Army at 17 years of age and served for over 6 years, seeing Operational Service in East Timor. I am now unable to work due to suffering PTSD and physical injuries.

I was introduced to art through the Jamie Larcombe Centre inpatient art program and through mateship. I was sitting with a few mates talking and they were painting. Grabbing some paper and some oil pastels, I began drawing and found a new way to refocus myself.

I find that I can relax while painting or drawing and it comes naturally to me with little effort. I use my art as a healthy way to relieve and heal my PTSD symptoms. Seeing other people enjoying my artwork gives me a sense of achievement and purpose.

I like to try many forms of art and am currently concentrating on art through leatherwork and printmaking.

– Jason O’Malley

The Hospital Research Foundation Group – Creative Health supports Veterans to develop and continue their creative practice through the Veterans Art Program.
