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5th August 2024 Latest News

New toys for the Repat thanks to Activity Hub patients

Repat Hub wooden toys resized

Children visiting the Repat Health Precinct in Daw Park will be able to play with some new toys in the hospital’s sandpit, thanks to patients at The Hospital Research Foundation Group – Creative Health’s Activity Hub. 

In recent months, patients have been working with the Hub’s co-ordinator and diversional therapist Brad Wilson to create some wooden spades, rakes, and toy cars. 

The project came about after Brad was approached by the Repat’s site operations manager, Janell Behrendt, about making some wooden toys and tools for the communal sandpit. 

A collaborative effort between the patients, Brad said the whole process was very organic. 

“The patients have loved being involved in designing and making the toys,” Brad said. 

“It’s been good because it has given patients something to nut out and think about, some people enjoy that challenge about making things work. They can have a bit of ownership over the design as well and it’s their imprint on the facility.” 

Brad primarily works with patients recovering from brain or spinal injuries, so this project proved beneficial for helping improve both cognition and fine motor skills. 

Wooden toys created by patients at The Hub.

Coming up with the right design, particularly for the spades, took some trial and error, which helped get the brain thinking and the creative juices flowing. 

The teeth forming the head of the rake are wooden dowel pins, so putting them into place helped build up the dexterity of the finger muscles. 

Diversional therapy also gives patients the opportunity to get out and take part in activities in a different environment away from their usual diagnosis and treatment appointments. 

As well as having physical benefits, it can help improve mental health and anxiety through relaxation and empowerment. 

Your donations help provide Brad and the team at the Activity Hub with the tools and materials they need so patients can experience the benefits of diversional therapy. 

To donate, simply head to We couldn’t do it without you! 
