A series of musical celebrations helped acknowledge National Reconciliation Week across healthcare sites this year.
The theme for this year’s National Reconciliation Week was ‘Be A Voice for Generations’.
It aimed to encourage all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in our everyday lives.
National Reconciliation Week commemorates two significant milestones – the successful 1967 referendum that acknowledged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the Census and the High Court Mabo decision – to overturn ‘terra nullis’ or ‘land belonging to no-one’.
The decision recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have rights to the land.
THRF Group – Creative Health’s Music Therapists were proud to collaborate with Glenys Sumner (CALHN), the Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, RAH and TQEH for the celebrations.
A particular highlight was the song “From Little Things Big Things Grow”, by Kev Carmody and Paul Kelly, being performed across the three sites.
At Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, a morning tea was held with special guests from a local primary school.
“The event was planned in collaboration with two Aboriginal patients,” Operations Manager Shelley Fulton said.
“We were joined by children from Blair Athol Primary, who made healing cards for our patients.
“Patient Ross, together with music therapists from THRF combined to perform a memorable rendition of the Paul Kelly and Kev Carmody classic ‘From Little Things Big Things Grow’.
“Native tasting platters were also sourced from the Adelaide Central Market’s Aboriginal-owned and run stall ‘Something Wild’.”