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Support our gallery program
Support our gallery program and local SA artists create a healing environment in our hospitals for patients, staff and visitors
Provide timber and materials for 20 Bird Box projects.
Each Bird Box project provides benefits to patients undergoing rehabilitation and those in mental health care.
Provide materials for an art therapist
Provide materials for an art therapist to deliver one-on-one and group sessions for patients across our hospitals
Friend of the Centre for Creative Health Art Prize
Become a Friend of the CCH Art Prize and elevate and celebrate the role of the arts in health and wellbeing.
Diversional Music programs for patients
Enable the delivery of Diversional Music programs for patients in Burns, Renal and Intensive Care units.
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Upon submitting, you will be redirected to the PayPal host checkout page to complete your donation. Once you have successfully donated via PayPal you will be redirected back to this page.
Monthly transactions will be processed on the same day every month moving forward.
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Your donation will be directed to The Hospital Research Foundation Group as you requested. Thank you for your generous donation to support the Centre for Creative Health.
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